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Musical Instruments

Playing a musical instrument

We know that people choose to play instruments to have fun and make great music with their instrument.  Music that they themselves think is great. They want to play, perform and feel music. They want it all to be fun, rewarding, and exciting. We want that for them too and ASM is the perfect place to ensure that it happens.  That is what ASM is all about.  Having as much fun as possible getting the most out of music, while learning to be proficient at your instrument at the same time.  We want our students to continue to play music for a lifetime! - See more at:

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Why should I play an instrument?

OK, you asked the big question so get ready for the big answer.  There are many great and powerful reasons to learn to play an instrument in the ASM environment so here we go...

The benefits of learning to play an instrument...

Now we know that some of the benefits of becoming a musician are well known.  There may however be some reasons to join ASM that you are not aware of.  

Here are a few...

  • Playing an instrument makes you smarter.  Yes, Smarter!  Did you know that it has been proven, without a doubt, that children perform better in school when they are actively studying music? Yes, Math, Science and Reading Comprehension scores virtually always go up. Adults really benefit too! Playing an instrument keeps your brain active and alert and also helps your memory.

  • Playing an instrument certainly helps you to be more disciplined with your life in general. Now, we are of course all about musicians having fun, yet at the same time, we help our students to maintain some amount of discipline with their practice.  This carries over to other parts of their lives as well.  Many people who are actively studying an instrument report being more organized and effective in their life overall.  Best of all, if you are a disciplined musician, you have more fun playing and performing. 

  • Playing an instrument can be a great stress reliever.  You may not feel that stress reduction on your very first lesson (in fact, it may be quite the contrary). However, a little practice playing the music you want to play will give you a feeling of clarity and relaxation. You will just feel great!

  • Playing an instrument will give you a sense of accomplishment. As you improve and gain proficiency in your playing, your confidence will grow, and you will feel great about what you have achieved.

  • Playing an instrument is FUN!!! We could write volumes about how fun and rewarding playing an instrument is. Instead, we have decided to leave that for you to discover on your own, and with your new band!

  • Playing an instrument is a great way to meet new friends.   Once you have gained some basic proficiency in your playing, you will meet other musicians both at Modern Day Music and out in the community.  Music is a common thread among many people.  Music is a language and people who speak a certain language tend to seek out and find others who do as well. Coming to Modern Day Music will surely lead to new friendships. 

  • Playing an instrument can help you get into college.  Did you know that gaining proficiency in music can actually help you to get into college? Many colleges look very favorably upon applicants who have shown their ability to stay focused and committed to the mastery of playing an instrument. There is a correlation between being highly proficient with an instrument and succeeding at college. Being in a college band can be a really fun way to spend some fun time too.

  • Playing an instrument and attending performance group practices for kids sure beats playing video games. Lets face it, kids today have far too many distractions that keep them from evolving and achieving the way they might if they just had a strong interest in something other than video games. Well... music is as good as it gets, especially at Modern Day Music.  Remember, practicing for a performance is fun if the right approach is used. Practicing music has also been proven to increase school performance and cognitive capability in general.

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